We Do It For the Dogs…
Avoid These Holiday Hazards for Pups
We Do It For the Dogs...Avoid these holiday hazards for pups. Credit Pixabay Holiday decorations Additives in the water for Christmas trees could be harmful if your dog thinks the tree stand is an extra water bowl. Don’t add anything that could be toxic. Broken...
Top and Trending Dog Names of 2017
We Do It For the Dogs...Top and trending dog names of 2017 Credit Pixabay What have pet parents named their pups in 2017? Rover.com, a national network of pet sitters and dog walkers, is here to tell us with its fifth annual report of the year’s most popular dog...
Primal Dog Food Recalls 5 Products
We Do It For the Dogs...Primal Dog Food Recalls 5 Products On December 21st, Primal Dog Food recalled five of its freeze-dried poultry products because of their grind size. That’s the size or coarseness of the food, which in the recalled products was larger than the...
Here’s a study that may have you fighting like cats and dogs.
We Do It For the Dogs...Here’s a study that may have you fighting like cats and dogs. Dogs are brainier than cats, according to a Vanderbilt University research project. Vanderbilt neuroscientist Suzana Herculano-Houzel (who says up front that she’s a dog person) said...
New Year’s Resolutions from Your Dog
We Do It For the Dogs...New Year’s Resolutions from your dog and for pet parents. Credit Pixabay Here’s what your dog wants you to resolve for the New Year. Spend more time together. I’m your FFF (Furry Friend Forever). I love spending time together. Let’s do it...
Pets that bring home the bacon
We Do It For the Dogs...Based on an article, 10 High-Earning Pets of 2017, published by MoneyTalk News, pets that bring home the bacon, or more like the whole pig, made their pet parents some big bucks in 2017. Grumpy Cat was first on the list.The sour looking feline...
Does Daylight Saving Time Affect Dogs?
We Do It For the Dogs...Does the change in Daylight Saving Time affect a dog’s clockwork? Credit: Pixabay This weekend we fall back an hour as Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday. What are some of the effects on your dog? Like humans, dogs have circadian...
Tricks that Help Keep Dogs Safe at Halloween
We Do It For the Dogs...These tricks help keep dogs safe at Halloween. Think ahead about staying safe. Sienna and Frodo, friends of ScooperDude, are hoping for a treat. Keep canines away from candy. Most people know that chocolate can be lethal for dogs. But any candy...
Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
We Do It For the Dogs...Old dogs can learn new tricks. Here’s how. Credit: Pixabay November is Adopt a Senior Dog Month. Older dogs are often the last to be adopted and the first to be euthanized. But, they can be more mellow, less demanding and instant companions....
Good Dog Jillie, a ScooperDude Customer, Is Deaf
We Do It For the Dogs...Good dog Jillie, a ScooperDude customer, is deaf. Jillie at about 8 moths old Jillie’s humans brought the pup home when she was four months old. She’s an English White Lab, not a common breed here in the U.S. A horse breeder in Kentucky liked...