We Do It For the Dogs…
New Year’s Resolutions from Your Dog
New Year’s Resolutions from your dog and for pet parents.

Credit Pixabay
Here’s what your dog wants you to resolve for the New Year.
Spend more time together. I’m your FFF (Furry Friend Forever). I love spending time together. Let’s do it more.
Make it fun. When we exercise, let’s have fun. No sedate walks along the same route. I’ve sniffed and marked those bushes more than I can count. It’s boring. Let’s play ball, try something new like an obstacle course, or play tracking games. (See some more ideas here.) Or how about a pet play date every once in a while?
Update my tags. Be safe, not sorry later.
Get some new toys. I get bored with the same toys, even my most favorite. Let’s try something new. You can even put away some toys and bring them out in a few months. They’ll seem like new.
Try a new trick. All dogs can learn new tricks, old or not. Here are some ideas.
Take a trip. Let’s sightsee. Pack the essentials, check out these travel tips and let’s hit the road.
Take care of my teeth. I know I’m not crazy about having my teeth brushed, but likewise I don’t want inflamed or receding gums.
Ignore minor eccentricities. Make both our lives more enjoyable and just overlook a few things. You know things like digging in the flowers, chewing pillows, barking at the doorbell, jumping on the kitchen counter and going crazy over the backyard squirrel (who does deserve it). I can hear you already. “No!” “Don’t!” “Down!” “Quiet!” You seem obsessed at times. Okay, so if you don’t like some of the things I do, maybe we can compromise. Or maybe I just give in on this resolution.
Snuggle more. This is a no-brainer. Let’s get cozy on the couch or bed. We can start with New Year’s Eve!
We resolve to keep providing great scooping services in 2018.
Happy New Year from the dogs and humans at ScooperDude.

Maybe your pet can be a cash cow
If you think you have a money-making four-footed fur ball in the house, read another MoneyTalk article called Got a Grumpy Cat? A Dapper Dog? Here’s How to Make Money With Your Pet. Or read Inside the Glorious and Lucrative World of Instagram’s Famous Pups . Or How to make your pet Instagram-famous – and make money from it.